Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Hysteroscope/Fiber Optic Light Package

Hysteroscope/Fiber Optic Light Package
Manufacturer: Leisgang Made in USA
Fiber Optic Light Source (fiber optic cable not included) integrated with CO2 insufflator pump, built in CO2 tank.
Applications: Endoscopy/Gynecology

Flexible Hysteroscope
Manufacturer: Leisgang
Applications: Gynecology/ENT, cancer detection and biopsies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We Hospiinz International and produce an extremely powerful go of Hysteroscopy Pumps that has logically taken focal point of the audience in working theaters and facility practice for gynecological Hysteroscopy analytic and helpful method. It is the most secure and utilized as a part of healing facilities and private gynecology drills as of late.